When managing projects or a project portfolio for our clients we apply proven methodology customized regarding the industry and the client specifics.
Our consultants work in open communication with your team and management to successfully select, customize and apply methodology, decisions, service based on the best practices and your company specifics.
We offer Project management solution in the following base forms:
- Customized Project Management – our team and resources are committed full time in managing the project or in your behalf on your site and in our premises.
- Flexible Project Management –our resources are committed part time in managing your projects (suitable for smaller projects)
- Remote Project Management – our team works in close collaboration with your resources at our premises using virtual teams and visiting your premises when necessary.
Successful project execution within scope, schedule, budget, quality and risks.
- Integrated project management
- Unified PM standards application throughout the company
- Application of unified methodology and practices in managing the Project lifecycle
- Customized methodology definition and implementation
- Establishing unified project management framework
- Application of unified procedures, forms, checklists and toolkits for effective project management
- Open approach application – defining a leading consultant to each client in order to achieve the correct communication and methodology customization provided the specifics of the industry and client itself
- Communication, Communication, Communication
When managing projects we apply a specific and customized blend of PMI - PMBOK methodology in combination with other specific methodologies - AGILE, SCRUM , ASAP.
Our teams will work on your premises or remotely using virtual teams and remote project management.
We encourage open and informal communications within our project teams.
Project Initiation – in the first stage of the project lifecycle we define the goals and scope, select the basic project team and perform project initiation within six key stages:
- Business case – we define the business problem to be solved
- Project feasibility study – the probability of the project success
- Project charter definition
- Basic team selection and steering committee
- Online PM initiation with all necessary project documents
Project Planning – performing a detailed planning of all project aspects
- Create Project plan– a detailed plan how the project will perform
- Create Resources management plan –detailed plan how the project resources will be managed
- Budget management plan – how the project will be financed, the budget management and control
- Quality management plan – how the products quality will be managed and controlled in order to achieve the desired product functionality
- Risk management plan – define how the risks will be intensified, managed, and mitigated in order a successful project to be achieved
- Change management plan – how the changes to the project elements will be managed and controlled, to avoid negative effect to the project success
- Communications management plan –as a critical element to the project plan defines the communications requirements, forms and channels of communication between all project stakeholders and team members
- Procurement Management Plan – to assure effective vendor selection and external resources acquisition
- Project closure management plan
Project Execution and Monitoring: having a well defined scope and good project management plan we perform the process of creating the project deliverables:
- Schedule management – we perform schedule management and target dates monitoring of the deliverables to be created by the project teams - how well we are doing with regards to the planned schedule
- Budget and expenses monitoring and control
- Quality monitoring and control of the project deliverables and this compliance with the product requirements
- Risks management and mitigation – to minimize the effect of intensified risks on the project success
- Management and resolving the issues to be identified before causing a negative effect to the project success
- Managing vendors and product procurement
- Communications management in assure effective information exchange among the project participants
- Managing the project deliverables acceptance by the project client
Project Closing
- Performing the delivery of project results to the client
Delivery of all project documentation
Procurement and vendor contract closure
- Your project is successfully closed and the deliverable approved by the customer ensured by the system of control, early warning and monitoring.
- The effects of risks are mitigated using early warning system and risk management procedures
- Business and project resources are effectively committed